Perego Carta intervista il Team di PERGRAPHICA® e l’agenzia creativa True, ideatori della campagna Catching Feels per la collezione di PERGRAPHICA® Colours.
Catching Feels significa “innamorarsi attraverso la sensorialità”.
Che cosa c’è di meglio di toccare la carta, godere del suo colore, sentirne il fruscio tra le dita e innamorarsi di lei, dando nutrimento al nostro cuore?
La splendida campagna comunicativa ideata dal Team di PERGRAPHICA® in collaborazione con l’agenzia creativa True, con sede a Londra, propone testi ispiranti, abbina nomi e aggettivi profondamente emozionali, fotografa una giovane donna che si veste di un foglio di carta colorato. Una “ambassador”, naturalmente bella, come solo la carta naturale può essere.
La campagna
Nella campagna sono individuati 6 modi di essere che rispecchiano i valori del brand PERGRAPHICA®: Serenità, Passione, Curiosità, Unicità, Onestà e Libertà. Un humus fertile che crea un’atmosfera romantica che facilmente ci predispone all’innamoramento.
Tutto questo è raccontato in una splendida pubblicazione intitolata Catching Feels dove, in collaborazione con Adobe Stock, il lettore viene guidato in un viaggio sensoriale, attraverso svariate tecniche di stampa, finiture e colori che aggiungono profondità a qualsiasi visione creativa.
Un libro prezioso, un gioiello per chiunque desideri ricevere un’ispirazione e godere di PERGRAPHICA®, la carta per perfezionisti. Catching Feels è disponibile nel nostro showroom per chiunque voglia sfogliarlo e prenderne spunto.
Curiosi di saperne qualcosa di più, abbiamo fatto alcune domande al Team di PERGRAPHICA® e all’agenzia True sull’iconico campionario di PERGRAHICA® e sulla campagna Catching Feels. Ecco le loro risposte.
- The 31 shades of PERGRAPHICA® Colours are identified by very particular nouns and adjectives. How have you approached these choices?
Our PERGRAPHICA® Colours portfolio was carefully crafted by Mondi teams to inspire and empower creatives, premium publishers and luxury packaging specialists to express themselves through paper, and to do so in true colour. The PERGRAPHICA® Team named each of the 31 shades individually and personally, so that they all ‘personify’ a distinctive human feeling or emotion. This approach to naming the latest additions to the PERGRAPHICA® paper family is unique, underlining the human touch our papers. It celebrates the power of paper colour and surface to make you truly ‘feel’ what you touch.
We experience paper media with all our senses. PERGRAPHICA® is about taking us on an emotional journey to appeal to all those senses. Whether these emotions are deep and dark, rich or subtly toned and gentle, they are all deeply human and fundamental to the creative process.
- Which are the guidelines you have followed while creating the iconic PERGRAPHICA® swatch book?
When we were creating the swatch book, we wanted to find an idea that would ensure it wouldn’t end-up in the bottom of a drawer with other paper samples. We wanted to create a swatch that you wouldn’t want to put away.
PERGRAPHICA® exists to inspire creators to create, makers to make and printers to print some of the most beautiful and tactile creations. We wanted to select a range of different creatives that we inspire, to show how PERGRAPHICA® is created with them in mind.
- The girl wearing the sheets of paper in PERGRAPHICA® campaign is a naturally beautiful young woman. Why has the PERGRAPHICA® Team chosen an “ambassador” like this?
PERGRAPHICA® is a premium design paper, made to serve as the perfect backdrop to design work and creative communication. It’s an uncoated fine paper. In some languages, this is translated as “natural paper” and indeed PERGRAPHICA® has a natural, strong, and beautiful look just as it is, even before you print it or enhance it with any special finishing.
We wanted to celebrate the natural beauty of PERGRAPHICA® in the feelbook artwork. We found a natural, beautiful ambassador to communicate this message in our photo shooting in London.
- Catching Feels book: photographers, artists, finishes of paper, several types of printing, feelings, emotions and illustrations all together in a sensory journey through colours and smoothness of paper. An inspiring melting pot. Can you please illustrate how it was born?
As we experience paper with all our senses, Catching Feels takes us on a sensory journey through six feelings, which mirror the brand values and premium paper quality of PEGRAPHICA®: Serenity, Passion, Curiosity, Individuality, Honesty, and Freedom. It also happens that ‘catching feels’ means falling for someone romantically; so, our play on words is a reference to artists capturing feelings and emotions through their work and is the perfect way to describe the beautiful feels and finishes of our papers.
The emotive and striking visuals within the book are by a selection of photographers and artists – each chosen for their ability to bring a different feeling to life.
Catching Feels draws on a full range of papers from the PERGRAPHICA® portfolio. Its imagery is enhanced and underlined on ten different PERGRAPHICA® shades, through four different printing techniques, six paper weights and two paper finishes. Through a unique collaboration, we selected technically challenging visuals from the Adobe Stock Premium Collection for our book design to prove how PERGRAPHICA® rises to the challenges of print. And to take the challenge to the next level, 53 pages of the book illustrate PERGRAPHICA®’s performance in hot foiling or with metallic inks.
Catching Feels has now received 19 international marketing awards. It is a successful and striking showcase, demonstrating how photography and illustrations can leap off the PERGRAPHICA® page with precision, to perfection, adding depth to a creative vision. It has proven that PERGRAPHICA® is a paper for perfectionists.